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How to Practice Your Speech In Public

Hi friend,

I love helping people get a structured plan for their speech like in my stop stuttering workshop. 

Unlike all the tips and tricks online, this plan actually gives them the belief...

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Why Anti-Stuttering Devices DON'T WORK

Hey friend, 

One of the biggest problems in the speech therapy/coaching world is, interestingly, our own human nature.

Here’s what I mean: we humans like things to be fast, easy, and ...

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3 Ways Fluency Will Change Your Life

Hey friend,

A maxim I've begun to repeat a lot of late is this:

In the ever-demanding social world we live in, fluent speech is more important than ever and we must be diligent in consistently...

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The Easiest Path to 90% Fluency

Hey friend, 

One of the problems people who stutter face is that we often look at our speech through a black & white lens. We either look for a cure or nothing at all.

This is a...

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A Message to Stutterers: BEWARE of Bad Advice

In an online world where so many people wants to share their thoughts and ideas about how we a stutterers should approach our speech; this can lead to people trusting in bad advice and unhelpful...

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If you do this you WILL overcome stuttering

What if I told you that 2+2=4? That's a basic truth, of course. It's just math.

Now, what if I told you that overcoming stuttering has a lot in common with 2+2=4?

Well it does. And this is...

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The 5 RED FLAGS of Bad Speech Therapists & Coaches

If you've ever typed into Google, "How to stop stuttering" – then you know exactly how confusing and overwhelming those search results are.

And this is where it can feel almost impossible to...

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Marcus's 7 TRICKS to Help You Stop Stuttering

Today, I'm going to bend one of the rules I have as a speech coach.

See, one of my rules is to NOT focus too much on things such as tricks and tactics. But the truth is, sometimes you and I...

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The 3 Steps to Freedom from Speech Anxiety (How to Stop Stuttering)

One of the most common struggles people face with their speech is the anxiety and anticipation that they experience BEFORE they even say a word.

Sometimes this anxiety builds up multiple days in...

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How to Stop Stuttering With Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life"

One of the books that has gotten universal praise from countless individuals trying to improve their lives is Dr Jordan Peterson's book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.

This book was one of...

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How to Stop Stuttering When Saying Your Name (3 Steps)

Quick fact: There are two specific places (at least in America) that many people who stutter completely avoid.

These are the two places that can be the most terrifying places to visit:

Why are...

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The ONE Secret for Overcoming a Stutter

What if I told you there was ONE secret in particular that most people who stutter simply don't know about?

And because they don't know this secret, they don't overcome stuttering.

Well, I'm going...

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